She Means Business
She Means Business
A conversation for all
She Means Business is about diversity, gender equality and female empowerment. Not just for women in business and events, but also their male counterparts. From strategic goal setting to allyship, She Means Business is all about helping you focus on your purpose in your career, your business and your life.
She Means Business is a joint activity by IMEX and tw magazine, supported by MPI.
Explore more than 150 education sessions across seven tracks:
Trends and research
Business practices
Experience design
Event marketing
Technology and innovation
The IMEX Talking Point 2024: Impact
IMEX believes we all have a responsibility to be part of the solution for the big issues challenging our planet and our communities. With a mission of bringing the global events community together to do business, learn and drive positive change, we’ve made Impact our annual Talking Point for 2024/25.
Our She Means Business sponsors
For more information contact:
Or call: +44 (0) 1273 227311
Donna Fung
Knowledge and Events Logistics Manager